St. Louis, Missouri, 63118, USA
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Fortinet Library Solution

Lazerware’s Fortinet Library Solution is the result of proactive research and extensive testing. The solution allows libraries to protect all edges, simplify operations, and run their organization without compromising performance or protection.  It enables the consolidation of technologies to deliver high performance networking & security.  This solution will address the need to replace any older equipment, especially those subject to end-of-life notifications.

The Fortinet 40F Security Firewall: Core Appliance for Tier I Libraries Includes
Intrusion Protection System, Advanced Malware Protection, Application Control, & Web Filtering.  It also includes one year of our exclusive Rapid Replacement Program (RRP) hardware support, & Roaming VPN (remote access while traveling or working from home).  Key features and benefits include Faster Bandwidth, Content Filtering, & Security Posture.

Lazerware Fortinet 40F Hardware for Libraries

Faster Bandwidth

The Fortinet Library Solution exceeds the 80Mbps limitiation of current hardware, unleashing the potential for a more positive library experience.  Depending on configuration and security modules installed, throughput is between 600 – 1500Mbps.  Bandwidth can be split between staff and patrons, with patrons required to accept a WiFi agreement before given access.  Content filtering can also boost bandwidth performance.

Content Filtering

Content filtering prevents access to content that could pose a risk to internet users or negatively impact network performance. It blocks access to content deemed illegal, inappropriate, or objectionable. It minimizes malware attacks, protects against exploit kits, boosts bandwidth and increases staff productivity. This feature makes your Library E-Rate and CIPA compliant.

Fortinet Content Filtering - Blocked Web Page
Fortinet Security Posture

Security Posture

This service helps to identify potential risks, along with recommendations to improve the overall security posture. It allows us to evaluate and proactively address any security vulnerabilities that could seriously impact your organization. It also provides insights into the network architecture’s performance capabilities, allowing us to understand capabilities during periods of high-traffic, while illustrating network needs and limitations.

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