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North Pole Project 2016 A Success

North Pole Project 2016 A Success


We have already received text messages from families and even a card from one thanking us for our help and how we’re going to make such a difference in their Christmas this year. Santa wants to share a few stories on what a positive impact you helped to make.

Santa Story: My House…
We were visiting a single mother with one boy who just turned 3 the day before. He was very responsive to all of us and wanted to show all his toys and all his things. He was very soft spoken when it came to sharing with Santa what he wanted. When he was finished, he looked up at me very serious and asked, “Santa, why did you come to my house?” I looked back at him and said, we all came to see you of course. He thought for just a second and said “Thank you Santa for coming to see me”.

Santa Story: My Ears are Ringing…
For those of you who don’t know the story of the magic bell. I leave a magic sleigh bell with each child and explain how it works. “With this bell, you can talk to me anytime you want, and I’ll be listening”. “You can tell me anything or just ring to say Hello”. “When you’re not using the bell, the best place to store it is hanging on the Christmas tree.”

The evening following our visit, I was talking with the caretaker Grandma. She was so happy to share this story. “Santa, after you left, my youngest granddaughter was just walking around the house talking and talking to the bell.” After some time, she came up to me and said “Granny, I don’t think the bell is working, I can’t hear Santa answering me.” She chuckled and said “don’t you remember, Santa is listening to you, he’s not going to answer.” She said “oh, ok” and kept right on talking.

Santa Story: Moving the Train…
While delivering gifts, I usually see our wooden train cars scattered about. At one home the train track was neatly assembled around the tree. I asked the mother if they like the train. She said, “oh my gosh yes, my youngest takes it apart every day and assembles it in different parts of the house”. “Sometimes in her room, sometimes here, and now finally around the tree”. “She just loves the train”.

Santa Story: The Broken Bell…
While delivering toys, I was in official off duty Santa Attire; overalls and a Santa cap. I stopped by one home to deliver the toys, bedding, and a ham. The children were home and the youngest came right up to me and hugged me. Then the 2nd hugged me and wanted to hold my hand. I was visiting with dad when I felt a tug on my hand. I looked down to find out what was so important. The little boy said, “Santa my bell is broken.” I said “it is! How did that happen?” He said “my sister broke it.” I said, “well I will get you another before Christmas, because you must have a working bell.” I came back a few days later to bring him a new magic bell. It was a magic day for me too.

Our Accomplishments:
To date, we’ve have received right at $7400 in donations and presents; not far from our expense of just under $7700. It was a record year in so many ways.

• We served 12 families and 40 children.
• Delivered 8 Christmas trees with the trimmings,
• 12 Wooden Train Sets,
• A Turkey or Ham for each family,
• 32 Winter Coats (3 of which were for the caregiver),
• 2 Microwaves,
• 3 Full Twin Size Beds,
• 1 Twin Size Mattress,
• Fulfilled all Bedding Requests and then some,
• Shower Curtain with Rod and Liner,
• A Minimum of 4 bath Towels per family request, Hand Towels and Washcloths for most,
• Pots and Pans where needed, and
• A Complete Desktop Computer.

Thank-You, Thank-You, Thank-You
Obviously, none of this was possible without the help from so many people. We are so grateful for…

• Teri Phair, Brian Dwyer, and Mike Nelms for creative writing for the fund raiser flyer.
• Andy Nelms for creative work and fundraiser flyer design.
• Jack Bell for the amazing gift; a rare coin collection that allowed us to exceed our goals financially, and ultimately provide more service to our families.
• Family Finders Ernestine Robinson and Addie Posley.
• Teri Phair for calling all the families to gather and data enter all their information.
• All the wonderful people who attended and participated in our fundraiser and fund raising initiative. The program is not possible without all of you.
• Ernestine Robinson and the St. Louis Blues for donations of autographed Hockey Stick & Puck, plus 2 tickets to a game.
• Kevin Dwyer and Autohaus BMW for the BMW watch that was raffled off at our fund raiser.
• Special thanks to the new elves Nyah (PIP “Peppermint in Packaging”) and Jerimiah (Flash). You guys did a fantastic job this year, were always on time and ready to perform.
• Shoppers for the toys: Cheryl Portell, Jim Bernardini, Ernestine Robinson, Linda Hogan, Melissa Rau, Scott & Janet Keymer, Phil & Becky Simeone, Tony Palazzolo, and Jessica Zahner. Thanks to you all. What a huge help that was.
• Matt Bernardini for writing a custom database to track all the information for the families, children, shoppers, and toys.
• Jessica Zahner and Cheryl Patrick for all the help receiving toys, data entering everything, and making sure they all made it to the proper child.
• Mike Nelms for all the social media help, help at the fund raiser, and driving the NPPSTL clan around for Santa visits all 4 days.
• Kathy Nelms for being a most wonderful Mrs. Claus and for her creative fund raising ideas.
• Thanks to everyone for all the extras given by so many to fill family special needs. Our social media even reached our friends in Iowa which netted a full carload of blankets, sheets, pillows, and towels to fulfill every special request.
• Jacob Eggering and crew for picking up, delivering, and assembling beds

Once again, we are truly blessed to be able to do this program, and so very thankful to everyone for your help.

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas,
Santa, Mrs. Claus, Blaze, Oops, Pip, & Flash